Download and Complete Application

Email completed application to or call 616-292-5588 with questions.

Fix & Flip

Funds to purchase + rehab

$50,000 to $5,000,000

Interest rate 10.24 - 12.75%

85% of Purchase Price + 100% of Rehab Budget

Close in 10-15 business days

Single Property Rental

30 year term loans

$75,000 to $2,500,000

Interest rate from 7.5%

Up to 80% LTV

Close in 3 weeks

Rental Portfolio Program

Blanket term loan for multiple properties

$250,000 to $50MM

1-4 unit properties/PUDs/warrantable condos/townhomes/5-8 unit MF

Up to 80% LTV

No experience on a case by case basis

Ground Up

New construction loans

$50,000 to $5,000,000

Residential and commercial

85% of total project costs

No experience on a case by case basis